The issue of soil stabilization and how to fix it most cost-effectively.

Soil stabilization is the process of making the soil underneath the concrete more robust or more substantial, and soil stabilization also helps in controlling the shrinking of soil to some extent. The result is the concrete on the surface becomes more solid and the load capacity of it increases significantly so for instance cars or vehicles which have a hefty weight can now safely travel on these roads without damaging the concrete. Often voids develop overtime specially when the concrete is being used roughly so if this is the case void filling also may be required.

Causes of soil stabilization issues in Colorado

Another common reason because of which soil stabilization is required is that at times poor soil compaction occurs which is a very serious type of soil erosion and degradation. This happens because the soil structure is compromised, so basically, the pores inside the soil become highly unstable, allowing for water and air to penetrate the soil. There are many various reasons for soil compaction loss the most common and significant reason is raindrops, and if there is a slight crack on the road or any place from where water can seep into the soil, then this will cause soil compaction. The second most common reason for soil compaction is general traffic, the amount of weight the roads have to deal with it is increasing day by day, and this also causes soil compaction. Heavy vehicles are also the leading cause of cracked roads because of which roads have to undergo void filling.

Polyurethane foam for void filling and soil stabilization

The first thing to do when any issues related to the soil is recognized is to make a soil report, and this is a professional and detailed report created by a civil engineer. Soil reports are also known as soil test reports, and it is basically a report which demonstrates the strength of the soil. The most convenient\ fix for soil stabilization is a process where by using machines low viscosity component polyurethane is pumped into the soil which seals out any liquid and also does the void filling the part. However, before performing any fix, a soil report must be done by a certified engineer to ensure that the concrete is safe and if there are voids, then void filling should be done to avoid soil compaction.